Hiring & Managing Staff: Lesson 4

Diversity & Inclusion

Gregory Jones, Small Business Specialist with the TSBDC, will be discussing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 


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Video Lesson Topics

- Defining Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity in the workplace is the presence of difference in individuals including disabilities, age, sex. religion, and race. Being able to recognize and appreciate these differences will go a long way in creating an environment where all your employees feel valued. 

Inclusion in the workplace will be for the organization to create an environment where all their employees, regardless of their background, feel comfortable and appreciated. 

- Benefits and Consequences

Having a team made up of people with different backgrounds and experiences will bring more creativity and ideas to the workplace. Another benefit of having a team with more diversity and different talents would be the customer base and a higher pool of potential clients for the business. 

If we have a work environment that is full of the same thoughts and experiences would limit the view of the world, what is important to the community, and how the community feels the business should respond to them. 

- Ensuring Your Business is Becoming More Diverse

Your business should set goals to learn about the demographic of the community and the industry statistics. The HR department should also have goals in the interview and hiring process to make sure you are reaching and bringing quality/qualified individuals of different groups. 

In the area of exit interviews there has been an issue with employees feeling under appreciated and not having their differences recognized. Your business will want to get an understanding of why your employees feel this way to ensure and create  a better workplace. Part of your company’s culture should be to create clear expectations within the organization will build a sense of equality with all of your employees. Also make sure all your managers and supervisors are aware of the goals with diversity and inclusion and held accountable to them. 

Topics & Lessons

Each Below Topic Contains a Video Lesson and Helpful Downloadable Information


Employment Law


Employees or Contractors?


Hiring & Onboarding


Diversity & Inclusion


Remote Workers


Employee Retention Strategies


Employer Obligations


Workplace Safety


Building and Training the Right Team


When the Employment Relationship Ends


Want to learn more about how this topic relates to your business?

Schedule a meeting with one of our consultants! All counseling sessions offered by the TSBDC are no-cost and provided by our staff of professional business consultants.